Understanding the world

Commotion in the Ocean- Under the Sea
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- two colourful themed borders to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Word and picture flashcards- colourful cards to add to a display or writing area
Fish colours- coloured fish each with the colour name on
Ocean posters- a set of colourful posters showing the different sea creatures in the book
Title poster- an A4 poster with title, author and illustrators name complete with colourful illustrations
Photos- colour photos to print out of the different creatures in the book
Name labels- labels of the different creatures- great to use on displays
Colour fish- large A4 size fish in different colours with colour labels to add
Fact cards- simple fact cards about each creature
Large display pictures- large coloured pictures of each creature plus extra pictures of seaweed, rocks, shells etc to create a great ocean display
A4 word card- an A4 word card with words and pictures for the children to use when writing about the story
Ocean animal alphabet- a lovely alphabet line on colourful creatures
Writing worksheets- write below the pictures on each sheet
Writing sheets
Speech bubble worksheets
Word searches
Worksheets- a collection of worksheets about the book and the creatures
Animal worksheets- fun worksheets to fill in different details about each animal in the book- these look great on display
‘My underwater adventure’- write a story about the creatures you meet
Acrostic poems
Odd and even number line
Ocean animal number line
Number rhymes
Size ordering worksheets
Counting worksheets
Counting cards- cards from 1-10 with the corresponding number of creatures on each page
Individual number line- number lines from 1-10 and 1-20 with pictures of fish and octopus
Matching pairs
Build a fish- roll a die and collect a part of your fish- how many fish can you make?
Colour bingo
Roll and colour- roll the die and colour the matching sea creature on your sheet
Picture bingo
Tracing sheets- trace the patterns on the fish and trace over the dotted lines on the animals
Stick puppets
Face masks
Play dough mats- a collection of under sea themed mats to use in your play dough area
Colouring worksheets
Fish crafts
Octopus craft
Jellyfish craft- follow the instructions to make your own hanging jellyfish
Jigsaws- colour the picture and then cut along the dotty lines and reassemble to make your sea creature
PowerPoint- a PowerPoint with simple facts about some of the animals in the book
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers

THE KISSING HAND first day at school activities and sequencing pictures
I love reading The Kissing Hand to my students on the first day of school. Its a lovely comforting story for young children.
This pack contains:
8 colored pictures to sequence when retelling the story
A face mask to make in color and black and white
A finger puppet to make
My first day portrait worksheet
A story map
A cut and paste sequence worksheet
My favorite part of the story worksheet
Graphic organizers

Mad About Minibeasts story topic pack- mini beasts, insects
The pack includes:
Display banner
Display border
Word cards- words on decorated cards relating to the story
Animal labels- a set of word cards with the animal names and the sounds and movements they make in the book
Large pictures
Colour butterflies
Word and picture cards- flashcards showing the minibeasts and the name
Alphabet- an alphabet line on different minibeasts
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Acrostic poems- decorated sheets to write acrostic poems about the different minibeasts
A4 word card- a picture and word card to use when writing about the minibeasts
Writing worksheet- write some sentences about the different pictures on the worksheets
My favourite minibeast- draw and write worksheet
Word search- 2 different decorated word searches about minibeasts
Describing worksheets- think of some words to describe the different minibeasts
Worksheets- match the minibeast to the name, write the initial letter sounds
Number line- a number line to 100 on different minibeasts
Counting book- draw the correct number of minibeasts on each page
Counting cards- count the minibeasts
Count the spot- count the number of spots on each ladybird and then order the cards
Number rhyme packs- rhymes about minibeasts which include rhyme card, face masks and singing props
Odd/ Even number line- a number line to 20 on butterflies and caterpillars
Order size minibeasts
Mini beast sorting- sort different mini beast pictures by number of legs, wings etc
Fact cards
Colour photos
Power Point- a power point with simple facts about different minibeasts
Minibeast clues- read the minibeast clues and match to the correct picture
Build a caterpillar- Collect the coloured pieces you need for your caterpillar
Picture bingo
Colour bingo- collect the different coloured butterflies for your board
Matching pairs
Dice game- roll the die and colour the numbered minibeast- a game to play with friends or an independent activity
Stick puppets
Face masks
Colouring- a collection of colouring worksheets
Split pin minibeasts
Cut and stick scene- choose some minibeasts to make your own garden scene
Decorate the minibeasts
Play dough mats- a collection of activity mats to use with play dough
Jigsaws- cut out the pieces and reassemble to make the minibeast
Tracing picture
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Space topic resource pack- planets
The pack includes:
· A long colourful display banner
· Several different display borders
· Information fact cards on the planets and the sun
· An A4 word card-great to use when writing
· Photos- coloured photos showing space rockets, astronauts, the night sky etc.
· Planet photos- coloured pictures of each of the planets plus the sun and Pluto
· Topic words- cards with different words relating to the topic of ‘space’
· Constellation posters- ten posters showing ten popular star constellations
· Five Little Men number rhyme- a fun pack to use with this number rhyme with rhyme card, singing props and face masks
· Display lettering- large letter in both upper case and lower case decorated with a night sky theme- make a large alphabet line or use to make any display title you want!
· Five Little Astronauts number rhyme- a pack to use with the number rhyme including rhyme cards, singing props and face masks
· Space Powerpoint- all about space and the planets
· Phonemes on planets- all of the phonemes from the Letters and Sounds scheme-makes a great colourful display
· Moon and Earth number line- an odd and even number line to 50
· My rocket worksheet- design your own rocket to travel into space
· My visit to the moon- 2 different worksheets to draw what they found on the moon and to draw and write about their trip to the moon
· Rocket number line- a colourful rocket number line to 100
· Countdown cards- showing a rocket and the countdown to Blast off!
· Astronaut alphabet line
· Colouring pictures- pictures of space scenes, astronauts, space rockets etc to colour
· Board game- a ‘race to space’ board game to make and play
· Play dough mats- make the correct number of objects on each card using play dough
· Make a split pin astronaut
· Counting mat- a counting mat showing aliens from 1-10

Brown Bear, Brown Bear story resource pack- colours, animals
This pack is designed to be used with the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ which is a lovely story about colours and is great for use in the Early Years.
Display banner
Story word cards- great to add to a display or use in the writing area
Display border- A themed display border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Title poster- An A4 sized poster
Picture flashcards- Flashcards with words and pictures
Colour labels- labels of the different colours in the correct coloured text
Colour face masks
Colour puppets- make your own stick puppets of the animals
Large mural- a long colourful mural to print out onto which the animals and children can be added
An A4 word card with pictures- great to use when writing about the story
Speech bubbles worksheets- worksheets with each animal and a speech bubble- great to encourage early writing
Alphabet line- an alphabet line on children
Writing sheets- various sheets with borders to use for writing activities or in the writing area
Initial sound worksheets- write the initial sound of the animals below the pictures, match the initial sound to the correct picture and cut and match the animal to the animal name
My favourite animal worksheet- children can draw and write a sentence about their favourite animal from the book
What do you see, hear worksheet- a worksheet for children to think about the senses and draw or write about what they can see, hear, feel, touch and taste
Matching worksheet- match the animal to the correct colour name
A number line- a number line on animals
Counting cards up to 10
Number worksheets
Sorting pictures- sort the pictures according to the number of legs
Dot to dot worksheets-with numbers to 10, 20 and 30
My number book- make a number book by drawing the correct number of animals on each page
Stick puppets- make your own character stick puppets for retelling the story
Colouring worksheet- read the colour names on the bears and colour them in
Face masks to colour
Colour worksheet- different worksheets for each colour
Tracing pictures- trace over the dotty lines and colour
Cut and make the animals- four puzzles for the children to cut out the animal parts and reassemble to make the animal
Colouring pictures- pictures of the animals to colour
Colour hunt- find and draw some things of different colours
Make a colour wheel
Colour collecting game- collect the pictures of the same colour as your game board
Animal bingo- a colourful game to collect the animals from the story
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Toys topic resource
A bumper resource pack for the topic
The pack includes:
Display banners- 3 different colourful banners for your displays: ‘Toys’, ‘Old and New Toys’ and ‘Toys and Games’
Display border-a display border showing lots of different toys
Word cards- decorated word cards with words relating to toys and games
Describing words- word cards with useful words for describing toys such as how they move, how they looks etc.
Word searches- 2 word searches with words and pictures
Writing pages- a collection of photocopiable sheets with toy themed borders
Writing worksheets- a collection of worksheets with toy pictures and lines below for writing
My favourite toy- draw and write about your favourite toy
Word mat- an A4 word mat with words and pictures to use for writing activities
Number line- a number line to 100 on colourful toys
Alphabet line- a colourful alphabet line
Flash cards- word and picture cards of lots of different toys
Design a toy- a worksheet for your toy design
Colouring pictures- a collection of colouring sheets
Tracing pictures- pencil control sheets- great for younger children
Book cover- a book cover to colour to use to keep all the topic work together
Bingo- print and make this colourful toy themed bingo game
Matching pairs game- match the toys
Number dominoes- a toy themed game
Label the toys- label some different toys
Counting cards- cards with numbers 1-10 and the corresponding number of toys
Size ordering- order the Russian dolls in size order- in colour and black and white
Literacy worksheets- match labels to toys, write initial sounds, write words to describe different toys
Play dough mats- a collection of activity mats to use in the play dough area
Old toys posters- colourful posters showing some old toys
Old and new posters- compare the old and new versions of some different toys
Baby and child toys- an activity to sort the toy pictures into ones you had as a baby and ones you have now and a worksheet to accompany the activity
Our favourite toys- find out about and draw your parents favourite toy and grandparents favourite toy when they were little
Push and pull- look at some different toys and talk about what force is used to make them move
Write a story- a decorated worksheet for writing a story about your toys
Make some toys- photocopiable sheets for making 15 different simple toys such as split pin puppets, a jigsaw, a marble maze, a die to use with the snakes and ladders board
Toy shop role play pack- a full pack of resources to set up
your own toy shop in the classroom
Includes display materials, games, Literacy and Maths activities, story telling resources plus much more

The Winter Hedgehog story resource pack- powerpoints, games, literacy, numeracy
A great resource pack to accompany the lovely children’s book ‘The Winter Hedgehog' by Ann and Reg Cartwright.
Also includes resources about hibernation.
The pack includes:
Display resources:
Banner- a long colourful display banner
Display borders
A4 word card
Story words- decorated words relating to the story
Question cards
Fact cards- about hibernation and different animals that hibernate
Title page
Hibernation words
Hibernation banner
Photos- of different winter scenes
Numeracy resources:
Number line on hedgehogs
Size hedgehogs- order the different hedgehogs in size order
Counting worksheets- a version for numbers up to 5 and for up to 10
Dice game- roll 1 or 2 dice and colour the correct numbered spike on your hedgehog
Snowflake symmetry
Missing number worksheets
Role play/ story props
Face masks- coloured masks of the hedgehog and the other animals
Story props- large coloured pictures to use when retelling the story
Hedgehogs- find out different facts about hedgehogs
Winter- what happens in winter and what can we do?
Hibernation- find out about different animal that hibernate over Winter
Literacy resources
Snowflake alphabet
Book review
Worksheets-various worksheets about the story, Winter and the characters
Word searches
Writing pages- various pages to photocopy for the children to write and colour in the borders
Writing sheets
Hibernation worksheets
Worksheets- Signs of Autumn, Winter and Spring worksheets
Acrostic poem
Art and crafts
Animal paw prints- use the cards to copy the paw prints in the sand tray or in the snow
Tracing picture
Colouring worksheets
Winter scene worksheet
Animal puppets to make
Animal masks- black and white masks of the different animals in the story
Bingo- a colourful picture bingo game
Snowman building game- throw the die and collect the different parts of your snowman
Hibernation game- throw a die and turn over a card to see how many hedgehogs are hibernating under the pile of leaves
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the author or publishers of the story or any related stories or products.

Chinese Restaurant and Takeaway role play pack
Chinese Restaurant and Takeaway
A bumper resource for setting up a colourful role play area of a Chinese restaurant and/or takeaway.
The pack includes:
Banner- A long banner for your restaurant- this is provided in Sasson Primary Infant font and also in Chinese style writing
Posters- Open and closed signs for your restaurant
Opening times- An opening times poster
Food posters- 10 colourful pictures of different foods to buy in the restaurant
Price posters- Each showing a different colourful picture of Chinese food and space to write the price
Menus- Various menus in colour and black and white for your restaurant
Hats- 3 different hats to make for the restaurant staff to wear
Badges- Name badges to make for the staff to wear
Welcome- A long ‘Welcome’ with Chinese style writing
Today’s special- A poster with Chinese style writing to write in that days special meal
Restaurant posters- 'Wait here to be seated' and 'Thank you for your custom'
Poster- A poster for the restaurant Kitchen area
Clock- A themed clock to laminate and either draw the hands on or add clock hands using a split pin
Colour lanterns- Colourful lanterns to hang in the restaurant area- each lantern is a different colour and has colour labels to add if you want to
Number line- A number line to 20 on food bowls
Table numbers- Table numbers up to 10 to display on the restaurant tables with Chinese style writing
Order forms- Printable order forms for the restaurant and takeaway
Colouring mats- Colouring mats to use in the restaurant- these could also be coloured and used as posters in the restaurant
Message pads- Message pads and telephone message pads to make decorated with Chinese lanterns
Takeaway opening poster- a poster showing the opening times of the Chinese Takeaway

Jesus' Christmas Party story resource pack- nativity
Jesus’ Christmas Party
This pack has been produced to accompany the story of ‘Jesus’ Christmas Party’ by Nicholas Allan- a lovely story about the birth of Jesus.
The pack includes:
1. A long colourful display banner
2. Question cards with questions about the story
3. Word cards- great for a display or to add to the writing area
4. Face masks in colour and black and white of the different characters in the story
5. Colour pictures to sequence to use when retelling the story
6. A sequencing worksheet
7. Puppets to make of the characters in the story- these are in colour and black and white
8. Design a crown for one of the Kings
9. Design a gift that you would give to baby Jesus
10. Make a 3D angel- this is provided in colour and black and white
11. Writing worksheets with pictures and lines below to write about the story
12. Writing pages with black and white borders to photocopy and add to the writing area
13. An alphabet line on angels
14. A number line to 50 on stars
15. A collection of activity play dough mats to make extra parts of the picture
16. A bingo game with pictures of the characters in ‘Jesus’ Christmas Party’
17. A colourful matching pairs game to make and play
18. A dice game to roll one or two dice and colour the angel with the correct number
19. An A4 word mat- great to use when writing about the story
20. A collection of colouring pictures
21. A 3D nativity scene to make- this is provided in colour and black and white
22. Word and picture flash cards
23. A worksheet to draw the different characters in the stable
24. A worksheet to cut and stick the characters on the stable scene according to the initial letters
25. A board game to make and play- ‘Follow that star’ follow the path of stars to see which wise man reaches the stable first
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

The Little Red Hen story resources- activities, Powerpoint, Harvest
A bumper pack of resources for the story 'The Little Red Hen'.
Great to include in your Harvest topic.
Display resources:
A large colourful display banner of the title
Story words on bread slice shapes
Large and small character pictures from the story- hen, pig, cat, rat, goose/duck and dog- these could be used for story telling or displays - these are in black and white and colour
Large colour and black and white pictures of the tools used by The Little Red Hen and a windmill
Two different colourful display borders for you to print out as many times as you need for your display board
Question cards with questions about what the characters were thinking, what they were doing and why they were doing different things
Photographs of some different windmills- great for displays and discussion
Large lettering of 'The Little Red Hen' with each letter decorated with ears of corn
A4 character posters in colour of the different characters and their names
Word and picture cards of the different animals and props used by The Little Red Hen
Understanding of the World resources:
Photos of breads, wheat, corn and flour and fields of corn- great for displays and discussion
A Powerpoint about harvest and wheat/corn
Colour photos of the different animals in the story
Literacy resources:
A lovely Powerpoint of the story of 'The Little Red Hen'- the pages of this could also be printed out to make a book for your classroom
Colour and black and white pictures to sequence
Sequencing worksheets of the story
Speech bubbles with some key phrases from the story
Various speech bubble worksheets
Various other literacy worksheets- missing words, matching words to pictures, answering questions about the story, character worksheets, rhyming words etc
An alphabet line on hens
Various A4 pages in colour and black and white for the children to write on- these are each decorated with pictures from the story
Maths resources:
A number line to 50 on colourful windmills
Counting cards up to 10 with pictures from the story
Various themed worksheets- addition, subtraction and missing numbers
Finger puppets to make of the different characters- greatfor retelling the story and for creating their own stories
Colour face masks of the different characters
Black and white face masks of the different characters
Various colouring sheets
Outline pictures of wheat, a windmill and the animals in the story- these could be used for writing activities or art activities
Games to make and play:
A lovely colourful board game to make based on the story
Matching pairs game
A Bingo game with pictures relating to the story of 'The Little Red Hen'
A rhyming word game

Dear Father Christmas story resource pack- letter writing, activities, games
Dear Father Christmas
A delightful story for Christmas about the letters from a little girl to Father Christmas and the replies from him.
The pack includes:
A long title banner with pictures of Father Christmas and the elves
Word cards with words relating to the story and Father Christmas
A large picture of Father Christmas in his sleigh and the reindeers to cut out and make into a large picture with the reindeer pulling the sleigh
Question cards with questions relating to the story and pictures of Father Christmas
Colour pictures of Father Christmas, his sleigh, the elves and reindeer
A collection of colouring pictures and posters
A collection of Christmas wintery houses and trees to make into a lovely village scene display
Display words for writing letters- great for Christmas letter writing
An Advent calendar to make
A matching pairs game to collect the matching coloured stockings
Letter writing templates for writing your letter to Father Christmas
An alphabet line on patterned envelopes
Face masks in colour and black and white of Father Christmas, elves and reindeer
A number line to 50 on cute elves
A worksheet to draw Erol the elf
A worksheet to decorate the Christmas tree
Design a decoration to hang on the Christmas tree
A collection of decorations to cut out and colour which you can then hang on the Christmas tree
A game to spin the spinner and collect the coloured presents
Posters of all the reindeer and their names
A worksheet to decorate the sleigh and draw some presents for Father Christmas to deliver
A worksheet to design a ticket for a sleigh ride
A colourful bingo game with a Christmas theme
Various maths worksheets to count the number of presents, fill in the missing numbers and order the numbered stockings
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by, the authors or publishers of the story or any related stories or products.

Harvest Festival- activities, display materials, Assembly powerpoint
A collection of resources for Harvest Festival and a simple Powerpoint which would be great to use for an Assembly
A long 'Harvest Festival' banner and a 'Harvest' banner
Large letters each decorated with ears of corn- great to use for a larger display
Various display borders- print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Decorated cards with songs and rhymes about Harvest Festival
Topic word cards
Information cards about Harvest Festival- each card is decorated with pictures of fruit and vegetables
Large colour pictures of harvest foods- these are in colour and also in black and white so could be used for art work
A4 work borders in black and white and colour- these could be used for writing borders or to mount the childrens work
A Powerpoint about Harvest Festival- the pages of this could also be printed to make into a book
A number rhyme card and props to use when singing the rhyme- 'On the Farmers Apple Tree'
A fruit and vegetable matching pairs game
A Harvest themed picture bingo game
Colour photos of Harvest, Fruit and Vegetables etc- great for displays and for discussion
Harvest themed colouring sheets

Seaside story pack- Under the sea
Six great story packs to fit in with your Seaside topic:
Commotion in the Ocean
Fidgety Fish
Sharing a Shell
The Fish who could Wish
The Rainbow Fish

Fidgety Fish story resource pack- under the sea, seaside, sea life
The pack is designed to be used with the story ‘Fidgety Fish’ by Ruth Galloway but could also be used as part of a sea life/ under the sea topic.
The pack includes:
· Display banner
· Colourful posters- of Fidgety Fish and the other sea creatures in the story
· Story word cards- each card has an underwater scene
· Underwater photos
· Fact cards- colourful fact cards about sea creatures
· Display border
· Colour jellyfish- a set of posters with jellyfish of different colours and the colour name
· Title poster
· Picture flashcards
· Story questions
· Colour face masks
· Colour puppets
Sequencing pictures
· An A4 word card with pictures
· Speech bubbles worksheets
· Alliterative labels
· Worksheet- draw and write what could happen if you swam into the big fish!
· Alphabet line
· ‘f’ worksheet
· Writing sheets
· My favourite part of the story worksheet
· A number line up to 30
· Counting cards up to 10
· Jellyfish missing numbers
· Number bonds- Number bonds posters with number bonds to 10 and 20 on big fish
· Magnetic fishing game
· Colour by numbers worksheets
· Number worksheets
· Sea creature jigsaws
· Make a jellyfish
· Playdough mats
· Stick puppets
· Face masks- colour and decorate
· Tracing pictures
· Colouring pictures
· Picture matching pairs
· Colour bingo
· Underwater scene game- spin the spinner and collect the sea creatures to complete your sea scene
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Apple Trouble book companion- Autumn / Fall
This book companion is based on the book ‘Apple Trouble’ which is a lovely story for Autumn/Fall. It contains a variety of activities and colorful sequencing cards.
The packet contains:
A set of colorful sequencing cards- also provided in blackline
Story comprehension cards with a choice of two picture answers or three picture answers for children of differing abilities
My favorite part of the story- draw and write worksheet
Graphic organizers- three versions
Text-to-self activity- What trouble did Hedgehog have and what trouble have they had themselves
Writing activity- what would you so Hedgehog didn’t get things caught on her spikes again?
Sequencing worksheets- order the pictures from 1st to 10th to retell the story or cut and paste the pictures of the things that got stuck on Hedgehogs back in the correct order
Beginning, Middle and End organizer
Hedgehog grid- Hedgehogs Can, Have, Are
Writing activity- write three sentences about Hedgehog
What happens next- two worksheets to draw and write what happens next in the story
List writing- make a list of everything that got stuck on Hedgehog’s spikes
Problem and Solution- draw and write about Hedgehog’s problem, a solution that didn’t work and the solution that did work
Story retelling set craftivity- A large hedgehog and all of the items that got stuck on her spikes to cut and paste or use when listening to the story- in color and blackline

Hospital role play pack- People who help us, Keeping healthy, Ourselves
A bumper pack with lots of forms, signs and pictures to set up a role play area of a hospital
The pack is great for use in the EYFS and also within KS1 and 2 enabling you to print out the resources again and again.
The pack includes:
Words relating to hospitals with pictures to match such as bandage, ambulance, stethoscope etc
Large pictures (A4 sized) of these hospital objects
Signs to display in your role play hospital such as waiting room, reception, consultation room etc
Posters to display in the area sych as ‘wash your hands’ , fire exit, toilets, visiting times etc
Lots of different forms to encourage writing in the role play area such as appointment times,
patients appointment cards, registration cards, prescription/ medicine forms etc
Hats and badges to make which the nurses and doctors can wear in their role play
Large x-ray pictures -great for discussion and use in the role play area
The posters, signs and pictures will create a motivating and colourful role play area either inside your classroom or in your outside area which will encourage the children to further their vocabulary and language and encourage writing for different purposes

BUMPER EYFS ourselves pack- emotions, crafts, games, planning ideas
Ourselves and All about me
including our bodies, babies, emotions and senses
A huge pack of resources for use with children aged 2-5
This pack includes over 200 pages of planning, activities, games, crafts and worksheets to print out and use again and again.
Although the activities are planned for children up to the age of 5, there are many which could be used with older children.
The CD also includes 7 pages of activity ideas organised into the EYFS areas of learning to help you plan for, and cover all areas, a handy A4 activity guide, a blank weekly planning grid plus themed reward charts and certificates.
Activities include:
A colourful multicultural children alphaet line
A collection of worksheets to make into a booklet all about themselves including their bodies, their families, their likes and dislikes etc
Cutting and sticking activities such as making a face and house
A sound walk activity
A senses bingo game to make and play
Emotions activities
A large skeleton to make and display on a door
Babies activities
Plus much, much more

Divali festival resource pack- Hindu
Divali bumper resource pack- includes 2 Power points which would be great for whole school assemblies or class work.
The pack includes:
Rama and Sita Powerpoint- A Powerpoint story of Rama and Sita for you to share with the children on your interactive whiteboard or on class computers-the pages can also be printed off to enable you to create a class book of the story for the children to read
Divali Powerpoint- A Powerpoint about Divali- also great to print out and make into a book
Acrostic poem- A decorated acrostic poem worksheet
Word searches- Two different decorated wordsearch sheets about Divali
Recipe- A recipe for making sweets for Divali- this is on one A4 sheet and also step by step in a book
Colour pictures- A4 colour pictures of the characters from the story of Rama and Sita with the character names
Photos- A set of 5 coloured photos about Divali
Worksheet- A worksheet to put the Divali lamps in size order
Worksheets- Two worksheets to order the numbered diva lamps- one is numbers 1-5 and the other is numbers 1-10
Writing pages- Various decorated writing pages- great for displaying work quickly and also using for writing activities
Characters- A4 black and white pictures of the characters from the story Rama and Sita for the children to colour
Sequencing pictures- Small pictures from the story of Rama and Sita which the children can sequence or use to make a book of the story
Face masks- Face masks of the characters from the story of Rama and Sita to enable the children to role play the story-these are in colour and black and white for the children to decorate
Display lettering- Large letters spelling 'Happy Divali' which are decorated with stars
Display banner- Two long banners for displays with 'Divali' and 'Happy Divali'
Divali cards- Black and white templates for creating Divali greetings cards
Display border- A colourful display border with Rangoli patterns- this can be printed as many times as you need to use on a display border of any size
Number line- A number line up to 20 on colourful diva lamps
Missing numbers- Diva lamp number cards with missing numbers- 10 of these cards have the numbers up to 10, and the other ten are numbers up to 20
Fact cards- Information about the festival of Divali
Word cards- Topic word cards with words about the festival of Divali and words from the story of Rama and Sita
Game- A colourful Rangoli jigsaw game
Game- A colourful Rangoli matching pairs game
Rangoli patterns- Worksheets for children to trace and colour
Rhymes- 3 Divali rhymes with decorative borders-great for displays

Halloween activity pack- games, worksheets, activities, display materials
A great pack to print out and have a spooky time!
The pack includes:
Display banners- Two different colourful banners for your Halloween display
Display borders- Various borders which can be printed as many times as you need for display boards of any size
Pictures- Large colour and black and white pictures of things such as a spider, a pumpkin, a ghost etc- these look great on displays and the black and white version could be used for art work
Matching pairs game- A Halloween themed game
Bingo- A colourful Halloween themed bingo game
A4 display borders- Work borders in colour and black and white for displaying work quickly or to use as writing pages
Worksheets- Various worksheets with a Halloween theme- maths, writing, drawing
Tracing- Various tracing worksheets to trace over the dotted lines of the pictures
Counting cards- Cards up to ten each with a spider web and the corresponding number of spiders
Alphabet- A colourful alphabet line on pumpkins
Colour photos- Great for displays or discussion
Face masks- Halloween face masks in colour and black and white of a witch, a pumpkin, a black cat and a skeleton
Numbers- A number line to 100 on spiders
Word cards- Topic word cards about Halloween-each decorated with Halloween pictures
A4 word card- A colourful card with words and pictures which can be used when writing about Halloween
Word searches- Two different wordsearches with words and pictures relating to Halloween
Colouring- Various colouring sheets for Halloween
Number rhyme- The rhyme 'Five Little Pumpkins'- a lovely Halloween number rhyme with rhyme cards, props and face masks

Growing plants topic pack- Spring, Gardening, Growth
The pack includes:
Display banner: A large display banner with the title 'Growing plants' on a photo background of Daisies
Additional banners: 'Growing' and 'Plants' on a photographic plant background
Topic words: each card has a photographic border- great to add to your display or writing area
Question cards: great to encourage the children to think about plants and growing
Photographs: Lots of coloured photos of different plants and wild plants which the children may spot in the school grounds or on the way to school
Colour weed photographs: Photos of wild plants with the plant names
Plant spotting cards: A4 and A3 sized plant spotting cards- great for the children to use in the school grounds to mark off which plants they have found
Plant fan to make: A fan to make with photos of different wild plants on- great to fold up and take on a nature walk
Colours display: Photographs of different coloured flowers with the colour name- great for the growing plants topic but also lovely to include in the art area
Make a plant game: A game to collect the different parts of your plant first
Parts of a plant: Information cards about the different parts of a plant
Fruit and Vegetable photographs: colour photographs showing some different plants- great for a discussion about what they can and can't eat on a plant and how to grow fruit and vegetables
Worksheets: Two differentiated worksheets for labelling the different parts of a plant
Labelling plant posters: A4 and A3 sized coloured posters with labels for the different parts of a plant
Wordsearch: find the growing and plant related words
My plant worksheet: A fun worksheet to fill in details about a plant they have found on a nature walk or in the school grounds
Plant parts photographs: coloured photographs showing the detail of different parts of plants such as the leaf, stem, flower and roots
Matching pairs: Photographs of different types of seeds to play a matching pairs game or for comparing and describing the different seeds
Wilting plant photograph: a colour photograph of a wilting plant- great for discussion about what a plant needs to grow